K9 Unit

The Walhalla Police K9 Unit is composed of two canine teams. Canine Coss is trained in narcotics detection, tracking, building searches, criminal apprehension, article searches as well as obedience. Canine Nino is trained in narcotics detection, tracking and article searches. Each handler must train a minimum of 16 hours a month to maintain annual certification, however they train well in excess of this hour requirement. Each canine is on a different shift rotation ensuring day and night coverage is available to not only Walhalla Police officers, but each city, county. state and federal agency who may request their assistance.
Officer Shedd and K9 Coss
Canine Coss is a 7 year old Belgian Malinois imported from Mexico and trained in the United States. He has hundreds of canine deployments in various skill areas he is trained in, and has assisted in nearly 300 arrests from crimes such as drug trafficking, tracking and locating attempted murder suspects to searching and apprehending burglary suspects in buildings, and locating weapons used in violent crimes discarded by criminals in various crimes. Coss has assisted multiple city, county, state and federal agencies with deployments and is most frequently used to detect illegal narcotics such as methamphetamine, heroin, cocaine, marijuana, and fentanyl. He has located dozens of stolen and unlawfully carried firearms, seized thousands of dollars in US currency derived from narcotics or other criminal activities and assisted in the arrest of many wanted subject with felony warrants during warrant services. Coss is also credited with locating multiple pounds of illegal narcotics during his career of nearly 4 years.
Corporal Heaton and K9 Nino
Canine Nino is a 2 year old German Shepard who was imported to the United States and is new to our agency. He is trained in narcotics detection, tracking and article searches. Nino enjoys training with his team and is working to fine tune his abilities to serve the City of Walhalla and surrounding agencies when needed.